Everybody, no exceptions, has pathological fears. They are an obstacle, interrupting and limiting our personal evolution.

And what if you realized that… all of your fears are mental blocks, not real, created by ourselves, merely part of a background or tradition? What if I tell you there is NO fear you can’t defeat? 

That’s the point. Every single successful person, in businesses or relationships, knows how to assume his/her own fears, they worked on them and faced them. It’s obviously not easy, it’s a process that entails an extensive self-knowledge, a close up observing of your emotional reactions, inside and outside, mind and body.

Here are some examples of basic pathological fears that worry a large percentage of the population:

  • Fear of loneliness
  • Fear of rejection or abandonment
  • Fear of death or life
  • Fear of not being good enough
  • Fear of being myself, of introspection, of my virtues and weaknesses
  • Fear of failure, of getting ill
  • Fear of fear itself

Each and every one of them can be unblocked, implying sacrifice and some little discomfort. Confronting your own fears is painful, but the result will be an increased self-esteem, self-worth and personal growth.

Facing your fears is simple and yet complicated: you have to accept them first, and then overcome them.

Look at you, observe your inner self, analyze and identify your fears. Once detected, start from the simple ones and keep on going, until you defeat them all.

TRY. The only possible result will be a harmonious, full life. And if you tried and couldn’t make it, a qualified psychologist can help you.

You have fears… Of course! We all have fears. Challenge yourself, overcome them and you’ll be more than you ever imagined! Growing up hurts sometimes. But  the satisfaction of your own success will be overwhelming.

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