Many people postpone making daily and/or important decisions for their life processes, their obligations, their responsibilities, what they want to learn, what they want to progress in, what they want to express, what they want to change, what it would be good to do. They will improve…both at work and in their personal life.

There are many people they refer to in the session: “I should have come sooner”, “I needed it for a long time”, “I knew I had to do therapy”, “it was something I wanted to do for a long time”.

The emotions faced with procrastination are usually negative: guilt, shame, frustration, insecurity, helplessness, discouragement, disappointment, pessimism, etc., also prevailing the feeling of lack of control over their lives and low self-esteem. In short, people who procrastinate are not proud of themselves. On the other hand, organized, disciplined people who do not procrastinate, who meet daily goals (from simple to complex), increase their positive emotions, such as: joy, power, enthusiasm, passion, happiness, feeling valuable, empowered and in control. their lives and their decisions.

And you, can you meet the goals you set for yourself? Have you ever thought about how you would feel if you did them? Can you imagine what would have nothing pending? YOU CAN DO IT, many people have achieved it with appropriate individualized therapy, psychology can help you motivate yourself and recover your personal and/or professional goals.

To start, I propose 5 simple objectives backed by 17 years of experience as a psychologist, both with people who have psychological difficulties and with extraordinary talents and highly trained people:

1. Get up half an hour earlier than usual.

2. Read for 10-15 minutes, if it is pleasant content, the better. Audiobooks or multimedia content are also recommended.

3. Come healthy, as best as possible.

4. Study, do your job or search for it at the highest possible level, it is recommended to start with the priority or urgent ones (max. 8 hours with rest periods every 1.30 hours).

5. Take an hour to do a pleasant activity (sports, series, walks, go out for a drink, go to the beach, visit family and/or friends, breathe, disconnect, call someone important to you, etc.) .

When you begin? If the answer is tomorrow, you’re still procrastinating. Cheer up.

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